Using Jquery serialize with php

When making forms ever had the urge to find something easier than having to define every value in your JavaScript? I did and found something nice called serialize. What is does is add all values into 1 string. Because I began to like serialize I’m writing an article on the use of it.

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Dropdowns in Kohana

I began to get irritated that I always had write a foreach for the Dropdowns after the query. So I was thinking isn’t there a more easier way to do it. First I wrote a helper to do it for me but It was clumsy in my opinion. Since I like nice clean applications I extended the Database_Driver class. The problem is that you need too add it directly to system because you can’t write it in app.

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Using Smarty in Kohana

Oh god why would you use smarty in kohana!! I know it’s bad. My boss wants me to use smarty in kohana so I’m granting his wish. Still I don’t like doing it. Anyway while I’m at it why not use my time to write a article on how to use it.

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Using the short if statement

I’m always lost when I need to find the shorthand version of the if statement in php. That is why I write again a small note for myself so I can find it again.

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